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Дом с Алисой21.113_Popularmodapk.com

Дом с Алисой

Home with Alice is an application that makes it convenient to set up and manage your smart home even on the go. Connect light bulbs, vacuum cleaners, sensors and thousands of other devices - and control them here or through the speaker.

Add and remove a wide variety of devices, from Alice speakers to air conditioners, change the name and location - and customize it the way you like.

The house is under control, even if you are far away: for example, on the way to the dacha, you can turn on the heater in advance.

Trigger multiple devices with a single phrase, such as "Alice, I'll be home soon." Set up a scenario, and at this command, the air conditioner will turn on, the vacuum cleaner will start cleaning, and the light will turn on in the corridor.

Connect sensors such as temperature and humidity and check how things are going at home. Create a script, add a heater and anything else, and the house will take care of itself so that it breathes well.

Entrust some of the household chores to Alice. It is enough to set the schedule once, and she will water the flowers herself and turn on the humidifier before going to bed.

Add a script to the widget and the control button will always be at hand, on the phone's main screen.

Connect as many home appliances from different manufacturers as you like: in the store you will recognize these devices by the mark “Works with Alice”.
v21.113 · 147.2MB
emerald EMS2.2.1_Popularmodapk.com

emerald EMS

emerald EMS is a personal energy manager for your home that helps you and your family know how much electricity is being used, and when. The app gives you real-time information about your home’s electricity usage and also takes historical data into account to create a baseline for your home. If the app notices a change in your home’s electricity usage, it will automatically alert you, so you can find the problem - and fix it.

emerald EMS works in conjunction with the Electricity Advisor to track your energy consumption via your Smart Meter.
Once the Electricity Advisor is installed, you will be able to monitor your energy usage right from your fingertips!
Visit: https://emerald-ems.com.au/product/electricity-advisor/ to purchase an Electricity Advisor.

Using emerald EMS is a great first step to improve your energy understanding and save you money & energy!

Visually track and measure how energy is being used.
View and compare real-time and past billing periods.
Stop bill surprises by making informed decisions.
See how your energy usage levels change when you turn home appliances on or off.
Access historical energy data, in one place.

Delivering all the detailed energy usage information you need to stay informed and in control.
View and download your weekly report in-app via the message centre.

Set monthly spend targets through the energy calculator.
Access to a personalised seasonal energy budgeting tool.
Receive energy usage alerts when you reach 75%, 100% & 125% of your target.
Make better decisions about the way you use energy.

There is no limit to the number of devices that can track your home’s electricity usage. The whole family can be connected.
Connect a device that stays at home (tablet device or iPad for example), and have access to your energy usages when you are outside of the home.

The app is full of electricity saving tips and advice to help you get smarter about your energy use and save money.

In addition to the Electricity Advisor, we are currently developing a number of Smart Intelligence devices that will assist you in your energy saving journey!
Keep an eye out in the coming months for our latest products that will work in conjunction with the emerald EMS app.

v2.2.1 · 53.9MB
SharedListing Indo1.21_Popularmodapk.com

SharedListing Indo

Are you a real estate agent who is looking for a way to get more leads and earn more money? SharedListing is the first and only deal making platform in Australia for Real Estate Agents where you can connect with other agents and increase your reach to more properties and qualified buyers.

Download SharedListing for free and connect with other agents. As your network grows and you connect with more agents, you will close more deals and earn more money. Using this free platform for real estate agents, you get to create your own separate network of agents and get access to many more properties in different cities all around the country.

Advanced platform for real estate agents in Australia
SharedListing, the advanced social platform for agents, comes with a clean and neat design, and the interface is so user-friendly that you will get the whole idea without having to go through a complicated process.
You can upload and share your properties on the platform, so other agents in your network have access to the photos and details of the shared properties. Like any other platform, you get to communicate and share files and documents with other agents, and the history of your communication is securely saved in one place.

Who should install this secure social platform for agents?
The platform is designed for real estate agents in Australia, and if you care about earning more money, SharedListing is a must-have app for you.

Since the entire features of this companion app for agents are available for free, there is no harm in giving it a try and explore the features for yourself.

SharedListing main features at a glance:
● Clean and neat design with a fresh and intuitive interface
● Secure social platform to connect with real estate agents in Australia
● Collaborate with other agents on the same properties to close deals quickly
● Make more money by selling more properties
● Private and public communication against a property
● Set the amount of commission you wish to share with other agents
● Organize your day from a single app and reduce information clutter
● Save your marketing cost to generate leads

So, download SharedListing for free, make more deals and earn more money from the convenience of your phone. You have full control over the listings that you share, and you can remove your property at any time you want.

Stay tuned and let us know about any bugs, questions, feature requests, or any other suggestions.

v1.21 · 34.6MB
Rumah Idamanku - Cari Properti Mandiri KPR1.28.5_Popularmodapk.com

Rumah Idamanku - Cari Properti Mandiri KPR

Rumah Idamanku adalah aplikasi pencarian properti berkualitas untuk kamu yang disediakan oleh Pinhome serta didukung secara khusus oleh fasilitas pembiayaan dari Bank Mandiri (Mandiri KPR & KPA).

Aplikasi ini menjadi solusi bagi kamu yang mencari info rumah/apartemen baik rumah baru atau rumah seken siap huni di seluruh Indonesia. Ribuan rumah murah / apartemen berkualitas yang di-listing oleh properti agen profesional rekanan Bank Mandiri di berbagai lokasi strategis.

Rumah Idamanku menyediakan fasilitas jual beli properti online yang simple dan mudah digunakan. Hanya dengan sentuhan jari, dimanapun dan kapanpun, rumah idaman yang kamu impikan akan mudah ditemukan.

Untuk transaksi dan pembiayaannya, akan didukung oleh Bank Mandiri. Sebelumnya, kamu bisa menghitung estimasi angsuran KPR dengan menggunakan kalkulator KPR Mandiri.

Keuntungan Menggunakan Aplikasi Rumah Idamanku:
- Bebas memilih hunian terbaik dengan ribuan pilihan properti (rumah/apartemen) terbaik di
berbagai lokasi yang strategis. Info rumah KPR dan apartemen KPA lengkap.
- Didukung fasilitas pembiayaan Mandiri KPR/KPA, salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia.
Mengajukan KPR mudah melalui aplikasi KPR properti Rumah Idamanku.
- Begitu banyak kemudahan, begitu banyak keistimewaan bertransaksi di Rumah Idamanku.
Schedule visit, pengajuan KPR hingga track proses KPR bisa melalui aplikasi saja.
- Proses pencarian dan transaksi properti, akan difasilitasi oleh Pinhome. Kamu dapat berkonsultasi
terlebih dahulu sebelum memutuskan properti mana yang kamu pilih.
- Pinhome adalah pionir platform e-commerce untuk transaksi jual, beli, sewa, cari properti berbasis

Jadi, jangan tunda lagi! Download sekarang dan mulai langkah pertama menuju rumah impian.

v1.28.5 · 20.3MB
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