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SURFIE-KIDS apk app v1.08553 for android

1.08553 for Android
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The description of SURFIE-KIDS

NEW!!! Test Surfie Kids for one week for free. No payment information is required!!!

Surfie Kids alerts you when your children are cyber-bullied on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Viber. With Surfie Kids, you can limit your children’s screen time and block applications and inappropriate websites. You can set location alerts to know that your children left home on time and arrived safely at school.

Surfie Kids gives you the exact parenting tools you need to take an active part in your children's online life.

• Easy install process – just a few steps and your children are protected
• Cyber-bullying – monitor foul language on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Viber
• Geofencing and location alerts - know when your children leave home, and arrive at school
• Location tracking – always know where your children are
• Dynamic Webfilter – state-of-the-art webfilter to block adults, violence, drugs, and more
• Screen-Time - know how much time your children spend on games, chats, social apps
• Time limits – set limits for application and website use or block them entirely
• Real-Time Alerts – be always on top of things and help your children when needed
• Low battery notification – know when your children run out of battery

1. First, download and install Surfie Parent on your parent's phone
2. Add a child profile
3. Download and install Surfie Kids on your child’s phone
4. Follow the install wizard. You will get a success message once you are done

This app uses:
• Accessibility services – to know if your child is cyber-bullied on social apps
• Data usage services – to know how much time your children spent on apps
• VPN services – to protect your children from bad websites on all browsers
• Location services – to get instant location alerts (e.g., your child left home)



Parent App & Parent Web portal accessible from any place, at any time.

This application uses the Accessibility API to keep your children safe on social media apps like TikTok and Instagram. This app uses the device administrator's permission.


SURFIE-KIDS 1.08553 Update

bug fixes

Additional Information

Category:  Parenting
Publisher:  PureSight Technologies
Requirements:  Andriod 5.0+
Publish Date:  22/11/2022
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Cleo for Families2.49.0_Popularmodapk.com

Cleo for Families

Cleo is a family benefit offered to prospective and current parents for free through their employer. Cleo gives working parents personalized guidance from family planning and pregnancy to parenting children up to age 12. Activate your account with your work email or company code provided to you. Not sure if your employer offers this benefit? Reach out to us at [email protected]. 

Cleo provides mental health support, career coaching, parenting advice, and family health navigation. Upon enrollment, you'll be paired 1:1 with a Cleo Family Guide, a trained and certified expert whose personalized support makes parenting moments big and small easier.
With Cleo, you get:

- One-on-one expert support. Each family is paired with a dedicated Cleo Guide—certified health, parenting, and career experts. Available through messaging, phone, and video, your Guide is there to support your unique needs with your parenting goals, career demands, and personal values in mind. Cleo Guides are here to answer all your questions, big and small—”Should I be worried?” ""What is sleep training, and how do I do it?"" “How can we play as a family?” Send a message or schedule a call when it’s convenient for you. Share photos with your Guide and invite a partner to get answers to your questions as a family.

- A network of specialists. You get unlimited access to a network of clinicians, experts, & specialists, including birth and postpartum doulas, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, career coaches, childcare psychologists, sleep coaches, and more.

- Comprehensive content. 
With Cleo’s extensive content library and live webinars and expert sessions, you can easily access content relevant to your family. Get answers to your questions, find resources, or learn more about topics like childcare, development, career, sleep, family dynamics, feeding, and more.

- Personalized tips tailored to you
 Based on where you are in your parenting journey—whether you’re 6 weeks pregnant or chasing after a 6 year old—get personalized advice like questions to ask your physician, expected developmental milestones, or tips for how to practice self-care as a parent.

Cleo supports birthing parents, partners, adoptive parents, surrogate parents, same-sex parents, and single parents. It is a free family benefit available to parents through your employer. Upon enrollment, members can invite and extend the Cleo benefit to a partner as well.
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Fun Routine - Visual schedules5.2.1_Popularmodapk.com

Fun Routine - Visual schedules

The Fun Routine is for children with Autism (ASD) to help with daily chores that seeks to help parents with children who have some form of difficulty understanding activities that are daily, such as children with Autism (ASD). With the help of this tool, it is possible to organize the child's daily chores, tasks and routines, where he or she can view a visual schedules and mark their chores as completed.

The Fun Routine is educational and encourages communication by providing a visual representation of the activity. It is quite simple, which makes it very easy to use, both for the parent and the child.

It is important to note that it was designed for children with ASD, but it is suitable for any child, or even adults, who want to control their daily chores, assist in verbalization and / or encourage performing chores through reward.

Fun Routine Visual Schedules The Autism Helper
Children with Autism often have difficulty to structure their live and daily activities.
The sometimes have difficulty to give meaning to what they experience. A day can be full with separate incentives.
Pictures help our children make meaning of the words we are telling by providing a visual representation of the activity.
Even readers benefit from the use of pictures
Activities are lined up in the sequence they will be done.
It uses visual strengths and therefore provides a receptive communication system to increase understanding.
It helps the individual to learn new things and broaden their interests.
Helps remain calm and reduces inappropriate behaviors.
Provide spoken texts for people who have difficulty with reading
Help keep focus on the task at hand

Our mission is to make working with visual day schedules fun, easy and simple. Try it our yourself, no obligations!

Fun Routine is daily planner for your chores and tasks. Set personal goals, track progress, and motivate yourself.
Fun Routne is not only a visual schedules, it’s an attitude, a commitment, a planner and achiever.
Join Fun Routine now and receive a marvellous self. Who knows the potential?

Top features
Registration of daily chores at their due times with the option to mark them as completed. The system provides some chores previously registered, but it is possible to register your own chores and include the desired image.
Notification of chores, tasks, routines, stating that it is time to perform the activity.
Report of chores, tasks and routine performed.

Reward systems rely on positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Here's how to make reward systems work for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children.
Rewards can encourage your child’s good behaviors.
The way you respond right after your child’s behaviors makes the behavior more or less likely to happen again. Rewards can help get your child to do more of the things you want her to do. Rewards that happen right after a behavior are best.
Rewards can improve your relationship with your child.
When you give a reward to your child, you and your child are both happy. You are happy because your child has done something you like. Your child is also happy because she is getting something she likes.
Reward system, where each completed chore is worth stars that can be exchanged for prizes registered by parents.

PECS - Picture exchange communication system, which when touching the image, the application speaks the related word. The system provides several previously registered figures, but parents can register their own figures.
PECS is based on the idea that children who are non-verbal or with limited functional speech can be taught to communicate using pictures.
The adult begins by teaching the child to exchange a picture of an item he wants. For example, if the child wants a drink, he will give a picture of a drink to the adult who will then give him a drink.
The adult will then teach the child progressively more difficult skills, such as using pictures to make whole sentences or to express preferences.
v5.2.1 · 10.6MB
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