这个游戏唯一的一个规则,我们只需要不断踩着黑色方块前进即可,很简单吧?谁都可以会玩,但并不是谁都能玩得很好噢, 你呢?快来挑战看看吧!游戏有三个模式:经典模式,以最快的速度到达终点;街机模式,你有能力得多少分就得多少分,没有任何限制,这也是最具挑战性的一个模式;禅模式,在30秒内看你能走几步,我玩到了86步,你呢?
Bug Fixes
Unlimited Currency Unlimited Diamonds
unlimited currency
Unlock all apartments Unlock allhome stores Unlock alloutdoor
Some low system models may not be able to enter, players who cannot be installed normally, recommend downloading this "Avatar Maker Dress up for kids" Added new mod to playmods floating window 1.posh pups 2.kawall makeup 3.Witch and Werewolf
Built-in menu, the menu contains the following functions: 1.God Mode
The Full Content
Unlimited Diamonds(Increase when you spent)
Unlimited Event Points No ads Note: If the game cannot be installed, you can try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.