《潜入!电脑世界大行动!!!》是一款平台跳跃动作游戏,旨在通过快节奏的游戏玩法与叙事相结合,来帮助玩家计算机科学领域中的基础概念之一——布尔运算。经测试表明,本游戏十分有效地传授了概念,参与者也对此种与游戏相结合的教育方法给予了积极评价。 本游戏曾入围了国际性会议CHI PLAY 2022(互动式人机交互大会) 的学生游戏设计比赛决赛,相关论文已被纳入ACM数字图书馆。
Bug Fixes
Unlimited Currency Unlimited Diamonds
unlimited currency
Unlock all apartments Unlock allhome stores Unlock alloutdoor
Some low system models may not be able to enter, players who cannot be installed normally, recommend downloading this "Avatar Maker Dress up for kids" Added new mod to playmods floating window 1.posh pups 2.kawall makeup 3.Witch and Werewolf
Built-in menu, the menu contains the following functions: 1.God Mode
The Full Content
Unlimited Diamonds(Increase when you spent)
Unlimited Event Points No ads Note: If the game cannot be installed, you can try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.