玩家自制 注:由B站Up:warma提供。 游戏需在较好的网络环境下进行游玩。
来领养一只电子小鲨鱼吧! 给它喂食、让它锻炼、看它睡觉,这一切看起来就像治愈快乐的宠物养成游戏一样。 尽管小鲨鱼是弱小的,面对一切都是无能为力的。 但请放心,无论发生了什么,电子小鲨鱼仍然爱你。 游戏总共包含11个普通结局和2个最终结局,根据你对小鲨鱼做过的事情,游戏将走向不同的结局。 来和小鲨鱼成为朋友吧!
Bug Fixes
Unlimited Currency Unlimited Diamonds
unlimited currency
Unlock all apartments Unlock allhome stores Unlock alloutdoor
Some low system models may not be able to enter, players who cannot be installed normally, recommend downloading this "Avatar Maker Dress up for kids" Added new mod to playmods floating window 1.posh pups 2.kawall makeup 3.Witch and Werewolf
Built-in menu, the menu contains the following functions: 1.God Mode
The Full Content
Unlimited Diamonds(Increase when you spent)
Unlimited Event Points No ads Note: If the game cannot be installed, you can try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.