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Friends who have played the UNO board game know that this game is very simple to play and easy to learn, and UNO!™ has added a lot of gameplay, and the punishment mode is also wonderful.
Video introduction
What are the highlights of UNO!™ APK?
UNO with global partners
Match players from all over the world, let you meet friends from all over the world, and unlock new opportunities for cross-border communication!
Innovative 2V2 opponents share hands
2V2 cooperative combat! Share all the information of each other's cards with your teammate, and cooperate to win the game!
Customized rules for friends to open a room with UNO
Gathering with friends, but playing differently? +2+4 in a row, changing cards, doubles... Freely define the rules of the game, allowing you to experience different fun, Ma Ma is no longer afraid that my friends and I will not be able to play together!
Shouting UNO loudly is a victory
Shout "UNO" loudly when there is only one card left in hand, challenge the high decibel to activate once, and give you the original party feeling!
Massive fun punishments, exciting adventures
The content-rich truth or dare "punishment card", the winner chooses interesting punishment and punishment object by flipping cards, making the party even more fun!
UNO!™ Card List
Consists of 108 cards, including 76 digital cards, 24 function cards and 8 universal cards. At the same time, UNO cards are composed of four colors, including red, yellow, blue, and green.
Number card
According to the number of cards, it is composed of 0 to 9, and each color includes 1 number 0 and 2 numbers 1-9.
Function card
Including adding 2 cards (the next player draws 2 cards), reverse card (reversing the direction of the card) and prohibiting card (blocking the next player's card), 2 cards of each color.
Add 2 cards: The next player draws 2 cards and skips this round.
Reverse card: The direction of the card is reversed.
Prohibited cards: The next player skips playing cards in this round.
Wild cards
Including color-changing cards (change the color of the current card) and color-changing plus 4 cards (change color and make the next player draw 4 cards). Under any conditions, you can play and change the color of the next card. There are 4 cards of each of the two kinds of wild cards.
Color-changing card, color-changing plus 4 cards