修仙文字游戏《仙界幻世录》已于12月30日开启限量删档测试,欢迎下载体验!!! 测试时间:12月30日-25年2月20日
根植于中国传统的修仙文化,从初出茅庐的练气境界起,追逐飞升之路,飞升成为上仙,探寻鸿蒙世界,体验完整的修仙生活。 强社交玩法,道友修仙之路不孤单 孑然一身走天涯,人世艰难无归宿?在《仙界幻世录》中是不存在的!双修、仙盟、组队副本等强社交内容,让玩家的修仙之路不孤单。双修,三生石处投缘,广播共同见证彼此盟约,组队副本,跟好友并肩作战力抗邪魔。
Bug Fixes
Unlimited Currency Unlimited Diamonds
unlimited currency
Unlock all apartments Unlock allhome stores Unlock alloutdoor
Some low system models may not be able to enter, players who cannot be installed normally, recommend downloading this "Avatar Maker Dress up for kids" Added new mod to playmods floating window 1.posh pups 2.kawall makeup 3.Witch and Werewolf
Built-in menu, the menu contains the following functions: 1.God Mode
The Full Content
Unlimited Diamonds(Increase when you spent)
Unlimited Event Points No ads Note: If the game cannot be installed, you can try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.